Wren Hall, a care home in Nottinghamshire, has set up a restaurant-like experience for its residents

Wren Hall, a care home in Nottinghamshire, has set up a restaurant-like experience for its residents.

The specialist dementia home has set up the restaurant style dining for both residents and their family members.

Established as 'Wrens Nest', the evening of dining is a monthly event consisting of table decorations, waiter service and a three course meal. The evening aims to provide social wellbeing, independence and mental stimulation.

The catering team provide canapes and, most recently, a strawberry chocolate tart, while other departments in the home focus on the table service in order to provide a higher quality of life and nostalgia.

"We aim to make every moment matter for our family members and go the extra mile to create experiences like our Wrens Nest evenings that their relatives can cherish," says ​Anita Astle MBE, owner and manager of Wren Hall. "Witnessing the joy and appreciation from everyone involved is truly heartwarming, and it reinforces our commitment to providing an outstanding and homely environment for those living with dementia.

"Reliving experiences that family members would have done before coming into the home can be highly beneficial for individuals with dementia. It activates neural networks associated with memory retrieval, attention, and problem-solving. We try to encourage family members to participate in lots of activities such as gardening, baking and shopping, as it also helps to maintain a sense of independence.”

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