While elderly people living in care homes experience daily contact with other residents and staff, they can still risk the same feeling of loneliness as those living independently.

So, what are the practical steps care providers can take to make a difference?

Encourage befriending activities

Befriending activities help new faces integrate and form new friendships, as well as strengthen existing connections. There are a wealth of structured and unstructured options at your fingertips – from the more relaxed coffee mornings to conversation starters, games, and movement exercises for groups and pairs. Regular befriending sessions create memorable moments and are something extra to look forward to in the calendar.

Make it fun for family and friends

Creating opportunities for residents’ family and friends to visit – spontaneously and via planned events – is a powerful way for everyone to stay connected. Encourage their loved ones to flick through old photos over coffee, or host family fun days and live entertainment at special occasions and holidays during the year. For those without family able to visit, ensure your staff keep an eye on their wellbeing by spending as much time as possible with them, even if quickly over a cup of coffee.  

Inspire meaningful moments for staff

Your staff are the heart and soul of your home. Part of their job satisfaction is knowing they’ve made a difference to someone’s day, so inspiring them to connect with residents (and their colleagues!) is a win-win. Why not encourage them to have a natter when serving up drinks, or build residents’ trust through meaningful chats?

While loneliness is a challenge older people continue to face, care providers can make their world that bit brighter through simple actions. As the nation’s favourite coffee,[1] NESCAFÉ is here to bring people together, whenever it might be needed.


[1] Circana, 2023