Paula Sherlock is new chair of FEA's LET Product Group

As the managing director of Signature FSE, which joined the FEA in 2005, Sherlock is an enthusiastic supporter of the association’s LET group

Paula Sherlock is the new chair of FEA's influential Light Equipment and Tableware (LET) Product Group. Her appointment comes as Steve Goodliff steps down from the role after 18 years. "It's a real honour to be asked to follow in Steve's footsteps, he's been a brilliant leader for the LET sector," she says.

Sherlock plans to build on the success of the LET Group, which FEA regards as one of its strongest categories. In particular, she wants equal focus on both light equipment and tableware. She says: "The two are really quite different – and, as a group, it’s important that we celebrate the differences in the category, as well as highlighting where we can be stronger as a group. This year’s LET Forum will see the introduction of the 'plug and play' zone – where delegates can see light equipment in action and where suppliers can showcase features and benefits in real time, alongside the very best tableware the industry has to offer.”

Sherlock has spent a highly successful career in a variety of areas within the foodservice equipment industry, in design, technology, tableware and heavy and light equipment, dealing with consultants, dealers and manufacturers. Her very first job was at consultants GWP Associates with Ken Winch. During the 1980s she worked at FSD helping designers to integrate CAD systems and later with Bonnet, where she oversaw marketing for their export department. In 2003 Signature FSE was founded and, as managing director, she has built it into a highly successful business. Signature joined FEA in 2005 since when Sherlock has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Association's LET group.

"Asking Paula to take over as chair of the Light Equipment and Tableware Product Group was a very simple decision," says Paul Anderson, chair of FEA. "You might say it was elementary. She has an incredible amount of expertise and her experience in different aspects of the foodservice equipment industry gives her great insight, and a holistic approach with the ability to see things from different points of view. Plus, her passion for the LET sector is unrivalled."

Sherlock adds:  "FEA membership has been a huge benefit for Signature FSE, and I’m passionate about sharing that success with prospective and existing members alike.

Events like the LET Forum have helped us promote the company and raise the profile of our brands. Membership also gives us access to very informative business support and market data, all of which helps our business. The more that we can highlight these benefits to the wider industry, the more members we can encourage to join the group and share the successes that increased membership and exposure can bring. I aim to help FEA increase the membership of the LET Product Group. The bigger we are, the stronger we are and the better able to meet our challenges."

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